Azgarie Mowzer is a student in art who specializes in acrylic medium. She resides in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. Azgarie’s journey in art began when she was still in primary school.
Zaitoon Ebrahim is a writer, a creative mindset coach, entrepreneur, and a self-taught artist. She was always interested in art but never pursued it until 6 years ago.
My name is Safeya Samuels, nee Achmat Gamja, and I originate fromThe Malay Quarter now known as Bokaap.I am very privileged to form part of a rich history as I am from the 7thgeneration of the Owwal Masjied situated in DorpStreet.
I learnt embroidery from my late mother. After an accident which affected the use of my hands, my craft became occupational therapy for me, thus re-enabling the full use of my hands.